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Mindful Snacks

Noble Vegan Sugar Free Jerky - Smokey


Case Size: 12x70g

Unit Price: $5.00

Product Highlights:
• 1 g of sugar for the whole bag
• 14g Plant powered protein
• Premium marinated and seasoned
• Long shelf life, grab-and-go snack

Ingredients: plant-based soy protein (non-gmo), soy sauce (water, soybeans, wheat, salt), vinegar, erythritol, tomato, natural smoke flavor, garlic, spices, onion, sea salt

Per: 35g
Calories / Calories 60
Fat / Lipides 1g
Cholesterol / Cholésterol 0g
Sodium / Sodium 390mg
Carbohydrate / Glucides 8g
Fibre / Fibres 3g
Sugars / Sucres 1g
Protein / Protéines 7g